Friday, March 18, 2011


Greening is one of important activities that should be implemented in conceptual in addressing the environmental crisis. So important that greening is a national program implemented throughout Indonesia.

Many facts show that no development is rarely built on agricultural land and green open spaces. While plants in the ecosystem role as the first manufacturer to convert solar energy into potential energy for other creatures and turn CO2 into O2 in the process of photosynthesis. Therefore, by increasing greenery in urban areas means to reduce CO2 or other pollutants that contribute the greenhouse effect or climate disruption. In addition to the vegetation plays in the lives and health of the physical environment, also play an aesthetic as well as mental health. Given the important role of this vegetation, especially in urban areas to address the environmental crisis will require planning and planting vegetation to greening conceptually.

From the various observations and research there is a tendency that the implementation of greening is not conceptual, in fact so impressed origin. Selecting plant species for reasons easily available, cheap and fast growing.

Urban greening

Greening in the broad sense is any power to restore, maintain and improve the condition of land for production and can function optimally, both as a regulator of the water system or a protective environment. There are also saying that the greening of the city is an effort to green the city by carrying out the management of city parks, neighborhood parks, green belt and so on. In this case, urban greening is an activity of filling the open space in urban areas.

In the process of photosynthesis of green plants take CO2 and release O2 C6H12O6 and indispensable role of living things.Therefore, the role of green plants are needed to capture the CO2 and release O2 back into the air. In addition, various metabolic processes of green plants to provide various functions to the needs of living things that can improve environmental quality.

Each year the plants on this earth mempersenyawakan approximately 150,000 million tons of CO2 and 25,000 million tons of hydrogen to release 400,000 million tons of oxygen into the atmosphere, and to produce 450,000 million tonnes of organic substances. Every hour 1 ha green leaves absorbs 8 kg of CO2 which is equivalent to the CO2 that human breath diembuskan by approximately 200 people in the same time. Each tree planted has the capacity to cool the same air with an average of 5 air conditioning (AC), which operated 20 hours continuously every day. Each 93 m2 of trees can absorb noise by 8 decibels, and every 1 ha of trees able to neutralize the CO2 removed 20 vehicles. (Zoer'aini Irwan Knopf, 1996).
Once the importance of the role of plants on this earth in handling the crisis, especially in urban environments, it is appropriate if the existence of plants received serious attention in the implementation of urban greening as an element of the urban forest.
Greening role and function (1) As the lungs of the city. Plants as green element, the growth yield of acid (O2) that is necessary for living things to respiration, (2) As a regulator of the environment (micro), the vegetation will cause local environmental air into cool, comfortable and fresh, (3) Environmental Creator life (ecological), (4) Balancing nature (adaphis) is the establishment of places of natural life for the animals that live around it, (5) Protection (protective), the physical condition of the natural surroundings (high winds, hot sun, gases or dust -dust), (6) beauty (aesthetics); (7) Health (Hygiene), (8) Recreation and education (educational); (9) Socio economic political.
As dikemukan by Eckbo (1956) that the choice of plants for greenery to grow well should be considered the terms of horticulture (ecological) and physical conditions. Horticultural Terms of responses and tolerance to temperature, water requirements, needs and tolerance for sunlight, soil needs, pests and diseases, as well as other physical conditions of greening purposes, cultivation requirements, canopy shape, color, aroma.
Elements of urban forest
Functions and benefits of forests, among others, to deliver results, pencagaran flora and fauna, ground water and erosion control, climate amelioration. If forests are located in the city functions and benefits of forests, among others, creating a micro climate, engineering, architectural, aesthetic, modification of temperature, seepage of rain, wind and air protection, air pollution control, waste management and minimize the reflection of sunlight, soil erosion control , reducing the flow surface, binding the soil.Construction of vegetation may regulate water balance by way of interception, infiltration, evaporation and transpiration.
Review the functions of urban afforestation and forest functions can be said that urban greening is an element of the urban forest.While the urban forest is a part of urban green open space. Forest city (urban forestry) by Grey and Denehe (1978), includes all woody vegetation in an urban environment, ranging from small villages to large cities. Fukuara et al. (1988) argued about the urban forest, the open space is overgrown with woody vegetation in urban areas that provide maximum environmental benefit to residents of the city in the usefulness of protection, aesthetics and recreation and other special.
Meanwhile, according to Grey and Denehe (1978), forest city (urban forestry) include all woody vegetation in an urban environment, ranging from small villages to large cities. Given the nature of forestry yard contains aspires to the interests of the people, then that is grounds forestry development seems to be more democratic is the people-managed agroforestry systems.The yard can produce wood, bamboo, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and medicines.
As a consequence of plants as the first manufacturer in the ecosystem, and considering the functions of the urban forest and urban greening function relies heavily on vegetation that is used then no longer disputed area of ​​land as a condition of the urban forest. What matters is the number and diversity of vegetation in urban garden as much as possible. Thus, urban greening as an element of the urban forest needs to be improved conceptually includes planning, implementation and maintenance by considering the aesthetic aspects, environmental preservation and functional. Implementation shall be in accordance with the planning as well as maintenance must be done continuously.
Planting techniques
Major factors to note are the tree-planting technique adala, (1) Selection of seed plants. Generative seeds are derived from seeds, a seed that is more appropriate because it has roots upside and can live longer. Vegetative seedlings, are the seeds derived from vegetative parts of plants, such as stems, leaves and roots. Vegetative seedlings are generally less robust and shallow roots, so quickly destroy sidewalks, streets or drainage channels.
Good seed has grown at least in the container for 6 months with a minimum height bar + 1:50 m and 0:05 m in diameter, to test it enough to pull out the seeds. If the seedlings easily separated from the container means new and has not moved quite well planted on the ground, on the contrary, if difficult to remove means roots is well established and can be planted in the field;
(2) Investment. Planting hole needs to be prepared at least one week before planting. Size of planting hole is very dependent on the size of the plant. Standard size planting hole is 0.75 m (height) x 0.90 m (width) x 0.90 m (length), (3) Nursing pascatanam.Maintaining a position to grow in order to remain upright and stable. Watering the plants once every 2-3 days, especially in the dry season while throwing twigs that kerimg. 3 months fertilize crops with fertilizer NPK 25 grams per hole
Other forest benefits are:
1. As suplyer Oxygen which is the main raw material for human respiratory

2. As the flood prevention
3. As a natural conditioning
4. As the world's lungs

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